How Online Employee Time Clock Software Leads to Less Micromanaging
Businesses that use traditional manual time clocks inevitably spend significant time and money managing employee scheduling, hours, time off requests, overtime, and payroll. This leads to several issues throughout the business that can cost the business money and productivity.
Having managers approve every action an employee takes, even a routine task, pulls them away from time that could be better spent doing more productive things.
Using online time clock software to automate many of these issues reduces the need for management oversight, improves manager and employee productivity, and reduces the time it takes to complete tasks for each party. This frees both up to move on to more relevant and productive jobs, rather than waiting on approvals and constantly monitoring the online employee time clock status.
Notifications Let You Know When Something Requires Attention
An online employee time clock can send notifications to managers letting them know whenever an employee has done something in the system that requires their attention. This way, managers no longer have to monitor the time clock for employee actions constantly; they can step away and only check notifications to know what’s happening.
Managers can go about their business and facilitate smoother operations as they will know exactly when an action occurs and what needs to be done. This reduces time wasted and the likelihood that employee actions are missed, and approvals are handed out properly for punches, time off requests, and other employee needs.
Employee timesheet software offers flexible access, so managers can spend less time micromanaging and implementing changes more quickly and from anywhere.
Improve Employee Accountability With Notes
An online employee time clock allows employees to leave notes for their managers. This lets them move seamlessly from the time clock to their appointed task without seeking a manager to notify them of every occurrence. By leaving notes, employees can be held accountable for late punches, absences, and the completion of tasks.
Managers will know at a glance how an employee performs and whether assigned tasks have been completed. This saves time through oversight and allows managers to efficiently address issues such as inadequate staffing, frequent tardiness, or absences.
By telling right away if a task is complete or still underway through a time attendance clock, managers can move employees on to other jobs or get them extra help if a job takes longer than expected. If there is an issue with a particular employee being late or absent, managers can spend the time necessary to address the problem rather than watch the clock.
Improve Employee Autonomy
An online employee time clock allows employees to perform many actions within the system without manager approval. With an employee self-service option, workers can request schedule changes, take a vacation or sick days, and even punch in or out without manager approval.
Giving employees more autonomy when it comes to time tracking allows them to get back to work faster and limits the number of times managers will spend approving requests and helping employees with their schedules.
Most functions will notify managers of any changes. If approvals are necessary, they can be done with a single click, without an employee finding the manager every time. This gives employees nearly complete autonomy and improves business productivity across the board.
As a business owner, giving your employees space to do their job is essential. Micromanaging annoys your employees and sends them the message that you don’t trust them. With online timesheet software, you can passively monitor your employees to ensure they’re getting the job done, but without having to oversee their every move.