Using SEO to drive content marketing success

Content marketers can use SEO to accomplish several things. Not only can they create content that drives organic traffic to their website, but they can also use that same content for social media, paid search, email marketing, sales, and business development.

A dollar value can be harder to assign to organic search than to other marketing tactics; however, you can track many metrics that correlate to it, including how well your site and its content rank in search results, how many site visits were derived from organic search, and how many organic conversions were generated.

How to Achieve Content Marketing Success Through SEO

The first key to organic search success is education. Before optimizing further, you need to know where you stand. To develop and maintain an SEO-driven content marketing strategy, content marketers can use the following tools:

1. Keyword research

You’ll need to do keyword research to figure out what your audience members are searching for online and, therefore, what they’re interested in. Analysis of your site’s rankings right now, pinpointing what keywords your competition doesn’t rank for that might be good opportunities for you, finding question-based keywords that answer your target audience’s questions, and clustering your learnings to identify trends are all part of keyword research.

It is possible to do your research and create a list of target keywords using various tools. You can look into what your audience searches for on the web using Google’s autocomplete, Keyword Planner, or similar searches. For a more comprehensive picture of what keywords might be good opportunities for you to target, you can use SEMrush, Moz, or Ahrefs.

2. Topic clustering

Linking related content under topic clusters can benefit search engines because they love topic-based content. You can create an efficient information architecture using topic clusters by diving deep into the core topics you wish to discuss.

Your company’s core focus areas can be the starting point for a topic cluster. Create a content map to outline what “cluster content” you will create. These are shorter, more specific pieces of content related to long-form content. There will be a link between the pillar post and each cluster page, and each cluster piece of content will have a link to the pillar post.

3. Evaluating content performance

Creating content based on keywords isn’t enough – once that content is live, you must continuously review its performance to understand whether it’s reaching your audience.

Analyze content marketing metrics like page views, time per page view, bounce rate, and the number of visitors from organic search to determine what content resonates with your audience. Consider updating an older piece of content with relevant examples and fresher data if it still resonates with your audience months or even years later and drives traffic to your website. Well-rounded marketing is the best approach. You can use the tools above to equip your marketing team to optimize your way to more effective marketing if you are not utilizing SEO to fuel your content marketing efforts. But we suggest you get help from an experienced SEO Company In London, UK.

Jason B. Barker

Social media expert. Student. Music advocate. Travel aficionado. Bacon scholar. Skydiver, risk-taker, hiphop head, Eames fan and Guest speaker. Acting at the intersection of design and purpose to develop visual solutions that inform and persuade. I am 20 years old.